DMCI Alumni Website
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Home Page | D.M.C.I. Alumni | Search Page | Message Board | School Song

If you went to Don Mills Collegiate Institute and would like to be listed on this Alumni Page, please complete the following Form and then click the Submit button.

If you are on the list and would like to update your information or add your email address; please complete the following Form, click the Update box, and then click the Submit button.

If you are on the list but we don't have your current information, you drastically reduce your chances of hearing from us! Keep us up to date if you want to hear about future events!

Your School/Maiden Name,
(while at DMCI)
Your First Name
Your Current Last Name
Year Graduated from DMCI
or last year at DMCI (yyyy)

Spouse's Last Name,
Spouse's First Name
Is Spouse a DMCI Grad?
, Yes   No

Email Address Email Address is for?
Private DMCI Alumni Database only.
Private Database AND posted on Alumni Web Page beside my name.

You were/are a DMCI staff?
(If so, you must put your last year as staff in "Year Graduated" text box.)
If yes (i.e., DMCI Staff), were you also a DMCI student?
Yes   No   Yes   No

If you are making changes to information that is already in the list below, then please check "Update Information".
Update Information.


  This information will be posted after it is verified. Thanks.

Instructions to Find Someone:
Click on any name in the box below and then type the first letter of the School (Maiden) Name.
You may scroll down the list by clicking on the down arrow.
Order: School (Maiden) Name, First Name...Current Last Name...Spouse(G)...Year Graduated...(Staff)...-Email Address-
Note: The "G" after Spouse means that the Spouse is a DMCI Graduate. The dashes before and after the Email Address are for security against spamming, etc.
Search Box: New
Enter at least two letters in the box below and instantly see only those Alumni names dropout.
Full List:
List Updated: January  24,  2025
DMCI Crest
You may also notify us of all corrections and updates by clicking here and make the subject of the email: DMCI ALUMNI LIST.
Disclaimer: Anyone submitting an email address to be posted in this section is aware that this address will be available to anyone accessing this web site. This may or may not be restricted to former students of Don Mills C. I. or be used for reunion purposes. (However, the email has been posted in such a way that we hope it will be bypassed by automated search software.)
For more information on the school D.M.C.I. (Don Mills Collegiate Institute, Toronto Ontario Canada) please visit the Wikipedia Article: DMCI.